Overnight Stays
Each room includes a 4x5 private indoor area with a pet cot for your dog to sleep, eat and relax along with a 4x10 adjoining outdoor area for them to potty and stretch their legs!
- $40.00/ day for the first dog and $35.00 for each additional
- Late pick up $20.00 (after 12pm)
- $6.50 per day for topical medication
- $4.00 Per day for oral medication
- $5.00 per day for special diets
- $10.00 flat fee for packaging big bags of food in resealable bags
- $30.00 flat fee for Sunday or Holiday pick up and drop offs

Day Camp
Our Day Camp allows for your dog to get fun, friendly and structured socialization with other dogs! We do not feed lunch to daycamp dogs for their safety of preventing "bloat".
Please call to schedule your dog's daycamp Monday through Friday!
- $32.00/ day
- $17.00/ day with boarding

Personal Playtimes
If your dog does not enjoy playing with other dogs, sign them up for a personal playtime with a friendly staff member! We can still have a blast with them!
- $37.00/ day
- $22.00/ day with boarding

Bath & Nail Trim
We would love to give your dog a warm bubbly bath before they go home!
- Bath: $30.00-$75.00, Nail Trim: $20.00-$30.00

Photo Sessions
Whether your dog is with us for day camp, training, boarding, or grooming, you can add a personal photo session to your dogs stay.
- $20.00-$200.00

We recommend that you bring your dog's own food in order to keep them on a balanced diet. Please prepackage it in zip-lock bags (1 gallon sized ziplock bag = approximately 14 cups).
We provide a nice, comfortable, 4 post doggie bed for each dog that stays with us.

All dogs must be current on Rabies, DHLPP, and Bordetella vaccinations.
We also have a 10-day wait period, so there must be 10 days between any vet visit and your dog coming to Mountain State K9 Academy.